Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I went to bed early last night to watch TV in bed. I attempted to get Dennis to join me, but he was futzing around and wanted to stay up. This type of situation never ends up with me getting a good night's sleep.

About 2 hours after I went to sleep, something woke me up. I don't recall Dennis calling for me, rather it was instinct that woke me. I got up and went into the living room and Dennis was struggling to get up from the couch. We have hardwood floors, and the couch slides easily across the floor. Dennis, in his struggle, had managed to move the couch into the dining area, but had not been able to get up.

My REM sleep, now interrupted, would not return this night. Dennis got tangled up in Urina (our pet name for his night bag). Then he had a series of bad dreams, hooting and hollering at someone. At one point I was punched in the back and was told to back-off. His back and hip were hurting and needed rolling over more than once. His covers had been kicked off, and he needed covering up.

Most nights we sleep well together, and for these nights, I am thankful. Some nights just are pre-determined not to work out for either of us. Tonight I will try snuggling with him. Maybe all he requires is a bit of loving from me to sleep soundly through the night.


Amy Mullis said...

Hi! I just wanted to encourage you to keep writing--you're doing a great job. I know you from the Boomer Women site although I'm so busy these days I'm hardly ever there. Keep writing and keep your positive attitude!

Ann said...

Thank You Amy.