I belong to an online forum, Boomer Women Speak, where women of a certain age gather and talk about life. I have made many friends on this forum, friends for life.
When I posted about Dennis being hospitalized in May, many women sent cards to Dennis. One woman generously made him a lapghan (a small afghan) when she heard he was now using a wheel chair. Another sent him cuttings from her southern California garden. The photo above is of the rock garden that I put together for Dennis from the cuttings sent by Meredith.
Girlfriends have often saved my sanity this past year. I want to thank all of my virtual friends for being in my life. Those of you here, in the States, and those of you across the pond - thank you so very much.
you are welcome
"where women of a certain age gather..." LOL!!! Love it!!! xoxoxo to you and Dennis from London.
God bless.
You dear Ann are the reason so many of us have taken your darling Dennis into our hearts. You give as much to others as you receive back. Being a part of www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com has brought so many of us together and is as close to heaven as any women will ever get while still living. There are countless 'angels' that visit and dwell there...
Lola and Charleen,
Thank you for continuing to read my blog.
Ann, we feel the same about our dear virtual girlfriends! What a blessing it is to read about your ups and downs and have the privelege to pray for and send our very best to you and Dennis. I'm here with you! Jane from Maine
Thank you, Jane from Maine. I am happy to call you one of my virtual friends.
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