Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Family Medical Leave Act

I just checked my sick leave balance, and I have over 120 days of sick leave due to me. A few years back, it behooved a teacher to save sick leave to help cover the cost of health insurance after retirement. Times have changed and now your excess sick leave simply goes back to the district. Use it or lose it, seems to be the message they are sending.

The Family Medical Leave Act assures that a person can take up to 12 weeks off in any fiscal year for the purpose of attending to a sick family member, or yourself. The school district I work for allows you to use your sick days, meaning you get paid and your benefits are not taken away. Add to that fact that I have a supportive boss, and I believe I have found a way to have my cake and eat it too, so to speak.

I don't plan on using up all my sick days, or take advantage of any laws, or take advantage of my understanding boss. However, I do plan on being here for Dennis, whenever I am needed, take him to his doctor appointments and take a break once in a while, so that I can continue to have a life, also. We may even try to tuck in a trip or two before Dennis gets to the point that he can no longer travel. All of these types of leaves are acceptable, under the law.

Sometimes the government gets it right.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ann and Dennis, just a little note to let you know I'm way over on the other side of the ocean, but through this site, I feel like I'm a part of your daily lives.

Your honesty, and candidacy, combined with the warmth and love is so very uplifting. It gives us, who have little problems in comparison, a reason to take a new look at ourselves and our lives, and to count our blessings for the here and now.

I know, no matter what troubles may cross my path; your strength will always be a role model for me. You are the bridge over troubles waters not only for Dennis, but for many of us. Thank you dear Ann.

Your good friend,

Ann said...

Aw, gee, Angelika. We all have problems, and they are all big at the moment they are happening to us. I am just a girl, like you. I want a happy life and will have that no matter what comes my way.