Monday, August 25, 2008

The Promised Test!

I was thinking since I must return to teaching today, it would be a good time for one of those tests I have been promising. Since this test is on your honor, feel free to peruse old posts for answers. Spelling counts, but no deductions will be taken for using spell check.

Have fun! Answers will be posted tomorrow.

1) Give at least one name for the disease/syndrome that is plaguing Dennis.

2) What is the medical term used for explaining sudden loss of blood pressure upon standing?

3) Name the newest member of our household.

4) Who is Dennis' primary care-giver when I am not around?

5) What is the term for automatic systems shutting down?

Oh, that's enough for a pop quiz.

Have a great week, all my faithful readers. I will continue to write each day.If I miss a day, I will make up for it on the weekends, as I did on yesterday's posts.

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