Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another Hospitilization

Happy April First!

No this is not an April Fool's joke. Tuesday morning, around 1:00 AM, Dennis woke me with his loud breathing. He was breathing in and out in shallow, quick, and laborious breaths.

I assumed he was having a panic attack, and I tried to get him to take deeper breaths. I was coaching him as I was drifting in and out of my own sleep. I wasn't having much success, so I told him I would call 911 if he couldn't slow it down. He tried, bless him, but we ended up going to the hospital via an ambulance.

The emergency room was crowded, and it seemed understaffed. He was immediately given oxygen and a nebulizer treatment, but then we were left in a room for quite some time. After an hour or two (we were not sure, as we drifted in and out of sleep), a doctor stepped in and wondered why his chest X-ray had not been completed. Things began to roll after that, he was told he had pnueomonia and a bed in the hospital was ordered for him around 5 AM.

Dennis' hospital episodes always begin on an eventful day. Last time, it was the day after we moved from our house to our condo. This time, I had to be at school early to set up a huge event for the students; a Hawaiian Festival.

So, I called for a sub for 3 days and went into work to set up the party. Thankfully, many people joined me, and worked to get it all ready in time for the kids.

I returned to the hospital to find that his bed was in one of the ICU areas of the hospital. Thankfully, the only reason he had been placed there was because there was no other room at the inn.

He's better and may come home late tomorow. So stay tuned for the hospital adventures of Dennis Cote.

Ann and Dennis

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