I was up or down loading music into I-Tunes today, and I ran across a song named, I Wish I Knew, or something along those lines. Could this be the great downfall of mankind? Wishing we knew what we simply will never know?
I will work four days a week next year. Here is what I know. I know, under the conditions that exist today, that I may never be able to work full time again for Minneapolis Public Schools. I also know that I will take a big cut in pay simply for working fewer days. I know that I am taking a chance on working the same amount of hours for less money, if I am not careful. I think I know how to treat both my peers, our students, our boss and myself, fairly.
Here is what I do not know. Are the two of us able to take a cut in income? Will I be happy being home more often, and away at work less? Will I be productive and make our cut in money and our increase in time together, worthwhile?
It depends on us. It depends on how we decide to view our lives. We do have enough money to take care of ourselves. We do have enough love to thrive. We are both determined to live great, full and loving lives; I don't foresee anything but happiness for us.
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