He was fussy all night. First he had to turn this way, and then that way. Then he got his hand stuck under him and wanted it moved out. After about 12:00 (I should have just watched to new Conan show), I knew sleep was not going to happen tonight. It was one thing after another. Fi

And while Raquel and I broke the hoyer lift out of it's place of hiding, we never got around to practicing with it last week. So for tonight Dennis will have to do the rest of his fussing while laying on the floor.
It's been a difficult two or three weeks. A fall last weekend, an unannounced trip to the hospital last weekend, problems with medicaid and now this. Each problem takes its toll on each of us. I am so glad that I decided to retire. And now I am really looking forward to our cruise in 3 weeks. We need a break from reality for a bit.
Until later,
Ann and Dennis
My human falls out of bed sometimes but it's because she's drunk.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. My dad is going through this.
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