Saturday, March 20, 2010


Our home smells like urine. Not like pet urine. Not even like an old folks home urine smell. But exactly like pee that has been sitting around for days and days.

Many years ago, I worked at a small school with uneducated janitors in charge. They waxed the floors yearly, but only washed the floors within a few inches of the edges. Pee in the boys room was contained, forever, in the wax.

Now my home smells like this.

Today I had Susannah wash the floor and toilet with bleach. When we returned home it still smelled. In the past I have found small leaks in Dennis' bags, but this time, nothing. Could it be that he is leaking through his bladder, around the area of the incision into his bladder?

Yuck, yuck and double yuck. I hope we can figure this one out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ann & Dennis.....Odor Ban, I bought it at Sams Club, worked for me. Have you investigated the Rare Desease or the Orphan Drug options on You and Dennis most likely could be listed there as experts but just in case. I wish you strength and peace with a sprinkeling of joy. Nanc