Thursday, July 16, 2009

Post Vacation

We are home. We are also tired, surrounded by dirty laundry and hungry. We ate too much food, and way to many potatoes. We both gained weight; Dennis is happy with his gain, and I am very unhappy with mine. But, it is all part of the vacationing process, I suppose.

Vacation is always a great indicator of how Dennis is doing. I use the last vacation and compare it with the current vacation. He is definitely slower than last year. Last year, in Paris, we would be out and about late at night, eating dinner at a fairly appropriate European hour - between 7:30 and 9pm. This year, our days were done by 7 pm and we were often in bed by 8 pm.

Last year, he was still able to eat a full meal in a timely manner. This year, he needed a couple of hours to eat a meal. We were not able to indulge in late night meals, rather we ate a larger breakfast and at large, late lunch. We ate quite a bit of pub food, which resulted in us saving a few bucks on food, but drinking way too many Guinness beers. Is it true that a Guinness a day keeps the doctor away?

Now, the final indicator of his health, will be the amount of days he needs to recover. This is our second day home, and while I am feeling lazy, the jet lag has pretty much passed. Time will tell when Dennis is back up to speed.

More on the vacation, and a few pictures, over the next few days. Until then, Cheers!

Ann and Dennis

1 comment:

Ann Viveros said...

Welcome Home!!! Can't wait to see some pictures!