Thursday, February 19, 2009


There are simply a few things that a person should not talk about when they wake up in the middle of the night and find their partner awake, too.

One is money and the other is death.

Dennis takes a light narcotic sleeping aide, that keeps bad dreams and movements at bay through the night. So when he brings up money worries or decides to tell me how long he believes he has to live, he falls asleep easily after he is finished. Me, I am kept awake for the remainder of the night.

Last night, however, after he announced at 1:30 am that he thinks he has about 2 to 3 years to live, I got up and took one of his pills.

I know, I really do know, that prescribed meds should never be shared. But I also know that going to work without my eight hours is an equally bad idea. So I took one pill and slept until the alarm went off at 5:30.

I suppose I should go back and finish the conversation with Dennis at a time other that the middle of the night. I should also talk to my doctor about a proper sleeping pill for me, for times just like this.

It might also help if I brought a large hammer to bed, and smacked Dennis when he brings up inappropriate night time conversation. But that could lead to jail time, and that has to be worse than taking a prescribed drug, without a prescription.

1 comment:

Irishocity said...

Hi Ann ... can you explain to me how you were able to put the subscribe option at the end of your page? I would like to do that on mine if possible.


Tim ... Susan's pain in the behind son-in-law