Friday, July 2, 2010

Home Alone

Dennis and I moved into our condo just over two years ago. During those two years, I have had very little time to enjoy being home just doing nothing. Nine and a half months of both years I have been working 9 or 10 hours a day, then coming home to take care of Dennis. Each summer we have left Minneapolis to travel. Last summer the balance of summer was taken up with visiting Mother, packing up her belongings, moving her to Minneapolis and selling her house.

I noticed this morning that I simply wanted to stay home today and enjoy being in my home.

Then Dennis asked me to go to a movie.

I told him that there wasn't a movie out there I was interested in one tiny bit. I was attempting to think up another excuse when he asked if it was okay if he and Raquel went to a movie after his workout.


The only thing that I could want today, other than staying home, is to be home alone.

Happy birthday Dennis (62 yesterday) and Raquel (25 today). What a great birthday present you have given to me for your birthdays.

Until later,
Ann and Dennis

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