Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Treasure

Yesterday Dennis and I went to Lake Nokomis for the butterfly release event. The butterflies were all marked and will be tracked as the head down to Mexico for the winter. Smart creatures if you ask me.

We ran into Ann, a gal I taught with for several years. She is very new age (I wish I could find another word, because she is so much more than that) and made this beautiful metaphor about my retirement. She commented how I just went ahead, without fretting much, and then suddenly I was offered this perfect job. Ann likened it to having the next cobblestone laid down on it's own accord in front of my foot. Follow your heart and life will be good, is what she meant.

I have lived like that for years, but I always thought maybe I was being a bit too impulsive. I don't worry very much, but sometimes I think I should worry. But, to tell the truth, it's just not a large part of my nature.

It was nice to hear her sincere joy for me.

Then we all hugged and went on our merry way. Thanks, Ann. You are truly one of the treasures in my life.

Until later,
Ann and Dennis


Ruth said...

Why would you want to worry? It takes up too much time and energy to worry about things that haven't happened yet. Going forward in faith that things will work out is a wonderful gift.

ann Viveros said...

I think the analogy came from a Rumi Poem. If I ever find it I'll forward it on to you. If we'd just get out of our own way, life would be/could be so much more. I'm not much of a worrier, when compare myself to lots of folks. However, I do self doubt and second guess. It was just so perfect and so beautiful to see your life unfold right before my eyes. Sometimes it is difficult to see the perfection in myself/my life (because of that second guesser), but to see it reflected in you helps me to know that it is there for me too. I was so glad to see you and be able to say all that in person, because it was what I was feeling since reading your posts. I love you. I'm glad Dennis asked for a hug! I felt the love!

vivi3 said...

My goodness Ann..what a post! And annViveros your much to give and say! I am just on the verge on making the plunge with my eyes more or less you did..thanks to our mutual friend, MountainAsh..who has soo much wisdom within her heart..and then I read your post here. And I just KNOW that I must do what you dared to dear dear girl! And your Dennis who´s life these past years is one big plunge..don´t you think? My "cocktail" of choice is..whiskey..being true to our scotish friend, MA. And I am embibing in it maybe I am being too eloquent? ;) Thank you for your post has given me much needed courage as I am engaging an american accountant in Calif. in my effort to make my plunge less blindly..

Hugs and Cheers :) your iva

vivi3 said...

PS I have to add that I am a natural worrier..but somehow I do find the space to PLUNGE too..and then I hold my breath and forget to BREATHE! But, as you say..I feel impulsive then..but somehow I DO believe in these impulsive moves that I do sometimes. I believe in LIFE, I you do. And your Dennis does, too.

Hugs again/iva

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