Friday, February 12, 2010

Ann, Replenishing

My third day off for replenishing Ann, so she can work and play once again without crying or yelling.

I have made a list, and checked off many items on that list, of little things that need to get done. You know the stuff - getting tax papers in order, calling and making appointments (retirement, psychiatrist, etc) that bog a person down.

Yesterday I saw a psychiatrist for a medication check. We switched up the anti-depressant to a stronger type, with fewer side effects. I also had an opportunity to speak out and share my frustrations.

Today I got my hair colored to a lower maintenance color. I was blond and am now caramel with blond streaks. I feel renewed.

I shared an analogy with Dennis and Raquel this morning that I often use with teachers. I consider mental health like a money in a bank. You must put money in (or positive feelings) before you can take money out (like asking for something from someone or getting mad at someone). Then I took two small bowls and filled them with some spare change. I told Dennis that I could go back to work when the "bank bowl" was filled with the change. I put a coin in for my haircut and another in or a thank-you from Dennis.

So far, I feel a bit more relaxed, but still highly on edge. Hopefully another week of the stress of work off of my back will provide enough time to refill the bank.

1 comment:

Ann said...

