Monday, August 11, 2008

Dinner Time

Whoa! I just went back and read my last few entries, and I must say, I was bored. Where did my sense of humor go? Time to find the light side in everyday life, Ann.

As I have mentioned previously, Dennis is not a tidy eater. He not only spills on himself and the floor, but he also has a great knack for knocking plates and glasses over. He has already ruined the carpet in both bedrooms.

Dennis prefers to eat dinner in his office while playing on the computer. Did I ever mention that I keep establishing all these directives that everyone, including me, continues to ignore? We do have a rule that Dennis only eats at the table, which sits on worry-free wood floors. Still, I continue to bring his food into his office, and he continues to spill on the carpeting.

Last night, as he ate, once more, in his office, he dropped some green beans on the floor. It seems that Shiva, the kitty, and Dennis, the slob, had a fight over the green bean. At least they both like my cooking. Later, while he was eating ice cream, Shiva was attempting to climb into the bowl. Naturally, the bowl tipped over. The party began as the two of them competed over who would get at the milky mess first. I am not sure who won, since I was sound asleep in the other room. At least I wasn't hearing, "Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnn."

Shiva must have won at least some of the food battles. When I woke up this morning, she ran to her dish and began to yell at me in her oh, so endearing manner. When I picked her , I noticed she had a bit of garlic breath. The beans were smothered in garlic butter. Not a big problem, however, since garlic is supposed to be healing, and she does have a bit of kennel cough that she caught at the animal shelter.

When Dennis asks me what we are going to do today, I will hand him the Resolve, a sponge and the vacuum cleaner. Hopefully, he will get the message.

Until Tomorrow,
Ann and Dennis
Livng With Multiple System Atrophy, Shy-Drager, Parkinson's Plus and dirty carpets

1 comment: said...

That is hilarious, Ann. If he feels up to it, will he do a little cleaning up at our place too? We have lots of spills at our house:)