Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Little Nap

The new bed and mattress arrived yesterday. The delivery men assembled the bed in only a few minutes and picked up every trace of a recent delivery. I looked forward to a great night sleep last night.

Naturally, a sound sleep was not about to happen.

I slept soundly for a few hours when Dennis began to sink into his pillow. (Yes, he still sleeps with me and will not go into the medical bed). From then on it was "Aaaaa" Aaaaa" for the rest of the night.

Today Raquel and Dennis were off to the urologist for a catheter change and a trip to the Courage Center for a workout. I knew that I had enough time to watch my afternoon show, The Closer, and then I would go to bed for a nap. But the phone rang and it was an important call, so the nap got set back about 40 minutes.

I had just laid down in bed when Dennis and Raquel returned. Thursdays she leaves early, so she set him up and took off. For about 20 minutes, Dennis was quiet. Then the "Aaaaa" routine started once more. I yelled out that I was sleeping, but he kept right on with the calling. So I got up to see what was up. It was meds time.

After I gave him the meds he asked if he could come to bed with me. What could I say? Saying no was not a good choice, that would cause an argument and wake me up completely. Instead I said yes, but only if he promised to be quiet.

First he grunted. Then he asked for covers. Then he asked to be turned. Then he wanted his drool rag. Then he grunted and groaned loudly. Finally I asked him if he called this quiet and when he answered yes, I knew I had to give up on a nap.

I came to the living room and decided I might as well write a blog entry. In the background Dennis is giving me not so subtle reminders that he is still in bed and wide awake.

Grunt. Groan. Sigh. Sigh. Grunt. Groan. Grunt.

At least I got something done on this not so quiet day. I should also be tired enough to sleep through almost anything tonight.

1 comment:

vivi3 said...

I love the Closer,too. I like the fact that she is a spunky woman who is also very human..not so perfect. Otherwise it´s just one of my..take my mind off of things series :) and you can use those,too, as I see.